Megan, Warner, MAI – President & Owner
After finding the appraisal profession in 2005, I worked for seven years in two different appraisal firms while earning my MAI designation. I realized that I enjoy handling the entire appraisal process from start to finish–from the first marketing call to bidding the job to writing the appraisal to handling questions the client had about the appraisal. In most appraisal companies, these different steps in the process are handled by several people. Hence, the beginning of Keystone Appraisals, LLC, a full-service commercial real estate appraisal firm.
Anthony Nicholl, Vice-President
Mr. Nicholl has worked in the commercial real estate industry since 2022. Prior to joining Keystone Appraisals, LLC, Mr. Nicholl worked for more than 18 years as an accountant in the mutual fund industry in the Kansas City office of State Street Bank and Trust. His most recent role was as Fund Administration Director – Vice President, specializing in financial reporting.